Flow Restrictors, Adjustable Needle Valves

Typical application for the NVA valve is to meter flow giving speed or full bypass control of a fluid motor. Typical application for the FCH valve is to meter flow in one direction while allowing free flow in the opposite direction.

Adjustable Flow Control Valve, Needle Type D-MANVA2324007
Adj. Needle Flow Control
Adjustable Flow Control Valve, Needle Type D-PBNVA2324008
Adj. Needle Flow Control
Adjustable Flow Control Valve, Needle Type, Fine Adjust D-PBNVB1224008
Adj. Needle Flow Control Fine Adj.
Adjustable Flow Control Valve, Needle Type, Fine Adjust D-DENVA3824010
Adj. Needle Flow Control Fine Adj.
Needle Type, Standard Adjust D-DENVB5724010
Adj. Needle Flow Control Standard Adj.
Adjustable Flow Control Valve, Needle Type D-HTNVA13334512
Adj. Needle Flow Control
Adjustable Flow Control Valve, Needle Type, D-SJNVA15124016
Adj. Needle Flow Control
Adjustable Needle Flow Control Valve, Free Reverse Flow D-DEFCH4524010
Adj. Needle Flow Control Free Rev. Flow

Warning: The specifications/application data shown in our catalogs and data sheets are intended only as a general guide for the product described (herein). Any specific application should not be undertaken without independent study, evaluation, and testing for suitability.