Pressure Compensated Regulator Valves

Typical application for the PCR valve is in a proportional circuit to achieve pressure compensated flow control. Typical application for the PCA valve is in a circuit to achieve pressure compensated flow control. Typical application for the PCB valve is to provide pressure compensated priority proportional or manual flow control w/by-pass. Typical application for the PCS valve is to provide pressure compensated proportional or manual flow control.

Pressure Compensated Regulator Valve D-TRPCA15024012
Pressure Comp.
Pressure Compensated Regulator Valve D-SLPCA15024016
Pressure Comp.
Pressure Compensated Regulator Valve Restrictive Type with By-pass D-DGPCB3824010
Pressure Comp.
w/ By-pass
Pressure Compensated Regulator Valve D-SLPCB15024016
Pressure Comp.
Fixed Pressure Compensating Regulator Valve, Restrictive Type D-PPPCC3020710
Fixed Pressure Comp.
Pressure Compensating Regulator Valve, Restrictive Type D-TRPCC7524012
Pressure Comp.
Adjustable Pressure Compensating Valve, Bypass Type D-DFPCE3824008
Adjust. Pressure
Comp. By-pass
Adjustable Pressure Compensating Regulator Valve D-SLPCE15024016
Adjust. Pressure
Comp. Regulator
Pressure Compensating Regulator Valve D-DFPCR3824010
Pressure Comp.
Pressure Compensating Valve, Restrictive Type D-DFPCS3824010
Pressure Comp.
Adjustable Pressure Compensating Valve, Restrictive Type D-DFPCT3824010
Adjust. Pressure
Comp. Restrictive


Warning: The specifications/application data shown in our catalogs and data sheets are intended only as a general guide for the product described (herein). Any specific application should not be undertaken without independent study, evaluat